What will be the result of compiling and running the following code?

public class MyFirst {
    static public  void main(String[] args) {  //1
        int a = 5;
        a = a!=0 ? a>1 ? a>>2 : a<<2 : a<1 ? a<<2 : a>>2;   //2
Ternary operator (elvis operator) ?: is executed like this:
condition ? expression if true : expression if false

Hence the given code can be replaced with several conditional operators:
a = [a != 0]?
[(a>1)?(a>>2):(a<<2)] <-if a is not equal to 0
[(a<1)?(a<<2):(a>>2)]; <-if a is equal to 0

and finally a will get the value of (a>>2), that is shifting 5 (binary value is 0101) to the right for 2 bits - that will be 0001, that equals to 1.

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