What will be displayed with the following code?

import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Map;

enum Types { A, B, C }

public class Test {
    static Integer value;
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Map<Types, Integer> m = new EnumMap<Types, Integer>(Types.class);
 m.put(Types.A, value);
The collection EnumMap has a parameterized constructor that specifies the key enum type.
This type is stored in an instance of the collection, and used to control the value of the key during the program:

enum Types { A, B, C }
enum Wrong { A }
public class Test {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        Map<Types, Integer> m = new EnumMap<Types, Integer>(Types.class);
        Map m1 = m; // 
        m1.put(Wrong.A, null); // error 

If you use more popular implementation of java.util.Map (eg., HashMap, TreeMap), then the same code will be executed without errors:
Map<Types, Integer> m = new HashMap<Types, Integer>();
Map m1 = m;
m1.put(Wrong.A, null); // wrong key, but no error

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